Monday, July 21, 2008

Fedora Shenanigans

I'm still debugging my Fedora Core 9 upgrade. It doesn't help that I've got about a bazillion old RPMs installed, from the Fedora Core 4 I had before the upgrade, plus remnants of a previous Redhat 9 install, plus some old Ximian stuff that might be from the RH9 era, or might be even older (I remember using it in the RH7 era).

Also, Red Hat were very silly with Fedora Core 9, and seem to have shipped a dodgy version of the X11 server (well, a pre-release version), which meant that getting the right drivers for my NVidia card was impossible - all sources of RPMs, and the driver direct from NVidia didn't work. I eventually found worthwhile advice: install the Fedora Core 8 version of Xorg.

Now I have a working X which lets me see stuff on my TV and my monitor properly. Next thing is to see why Terminal won't run...

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