Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bare minimum redux

The other day's Only the bare minimum post reminds me of a D line a few years ago. He was two or three at the time, and liked to be carried, or at least have his copious pile of two-year-old necessities carried, and would be disappointed when we would respond that we couldn't because our hands were full (with shopping and other junk).

So one day, D and I were walking up the stairs, both carrying stuff. He turns around and says:

"Daddy, ask me to carry that" (pointing at whatever I was carrying)
"Why?" I responded (or it might've been a confused "Huh?")
"Daddy, just ask me to carry that!"
"OK, D, could you carry this for me?" I respond cautiously.
"I can't! I'm full of hands!" he beamed.

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